How do I delete a git branch locally and remotely?

Git branches are an essential part of your daily development process, but once you or your team have finished with a feature and merged it into your remote’s main branch, you would want to delete that branch from your local repo and your remote.

Git branches are an essential part of your daily development process, but once you or your team have finished with a feature and merged it into your remote's master branch, you would want to delete it from the local and as your remote. You can do it in two ways:

git push --delete <remote_name> <branch_name>

To delete a local branch, use the following:

git branch -d <branch_name>


  • -d option for git branch the command is an alias of --delete flag, which deletes the branch if it has already merged in its upstream branch.
  • -D is also an option --delete flag, which deletes the branch "regardless of its merged status."

Originally Posted On: StackOverflow

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